Monday, March 5, 2012

Park Time

Although it was a quick trip, my baby boy, my princess and I spent some time at the park. The kids rode their scooters and played on the slide, the monkey bars and the bubble. Love the bubble! Bronson was still in school and Ron was at work, so it was just the 3 of us. Although we missed the first born and Daddy, it was the perfect way to start off our week. Hello Monday! 

Payton in the bubble

My girl has mad monkey bar skillz!
 The rest of the day was pretty normal, Bronson had some friends over.....
Landon had a headache and took a nap...not a good idea when big bro and his friends are around!
OH LAWD! Crazy Boyz!

Payton had a softball game.....her team name is the Orange Cuties! (I will post a pic of the team banner is the cutest thing eva!!!!).

My Orange Cutie (pa-too-ty)

Now we are watching American Pickers and winding down....Goodnight Monday!
Loving The Simple Life Right Now.

Uh oh...I said the magic words...I am winding down....Now the kids tell me they are hungry! But, still Loving Life Right Now!

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