Friday, March 23, 2012


Fantastic Friday Fotos!!
Yup, it's Friday! It was a long week and I am thankful that it is over. I didn't have to work in the office all week, which was a good thing. I love working from home and the kids and I have a routine, so when that is all messed up, so am I. Just the one day of working in the office threw me off.
Although I try to say I am a free spirit. That I am wild and free. I live, I thrive, I survive on routine. Yes, I am a bit of a control freak. I would rather do a million and one things because I can't let go of that one thing that one of my kids could probably do. Because that one thing could just throw my whole method, routine off. There is a method to my madness and the quicker they realize this, the better....for everyone.
Here are some pics from our week. This is gonna be short and sweet, I need to get to bed and relax tonight. Tomorrow is my baby boy's birthday sleepover.

My boys and I at the Mother/Son Laser Tag Event at school
My Orange Cutie

The paper mache easter bunny Payton made at school

Happy Friday!!!!! This weekend is going to be good!!!!!!

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