Sunday, March 18, 2012


It was raining. It was cold. The weather here was crazy. So what does that mean?? It's snowing on the mountain!! We packed up the Jeep, bundled up and made the 40 minute trek to the snow. This is a short post with pics to tell the story of our snow day in SD! 
The road as we were driving up the mountain. 

My girl at the park. It's not our usual park, but we see a park, we gotta try out the slide. 
Even if it is wet and covered with snow.
Landon Jacob 
White and Gorgeous
Here comes the sun, I mean the snow

Daddy and B

Mountain Time

The best part of living in San Diego is the beach is one way and the snow the other!!!
The Stearns Snowman

And it was a great day! 
It is going to be a crazy 2 weeks! I need to work in the office and not at home for 2 weeks. So let's see how smooth this transition is. 

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