Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Baby Boy's 9th Birthday Party Sleepover

This weekend was my baby boy's sleepover. He is still 8 for a few more days. Just a few more. This post is just for his party. His actual birthday will get its own post. So for now, this is his birthday party post. This post is helping me to rest, remember and recover all at the same time.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Fantastic Friday Fotos!!
Yup, it's Friday! It was a long week and I am thankful that it is over. I didn't have to work in the office all week, which was a good thing. I love working from home and the kids and I have a routine, so when that is all messed up, so am I. Just the one day of working in the office threw me off.
Although I try to say I am a free spirit. That I am wild and free. I live, I thrive, I survive on routine. Yes, I am a bit of a control freak. I would rather do a million and one things because I can't let go of that one thing that one of my kids could probably do. Because that one thing could just throw my whole method, routine off. There is a method to my madness and the quicker they realize this, the better....for everyone.
Here are some pics from our week. This is gonna be short and sweet, I need to get to bed and relax tonight. Tomorrow is my baby boy's birthday sleepover.

My boys and I at the Mother/Son Laser Tag Event at school
My Orange Cutie

The paper mache easter bunny Payton made at school

Happy Friday!!!!! This weekend is going to be good!!!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


It was raining. It was cold. The weather here was crazy. So what does that mean?? It's snowing on the mountain!! We packed up the Jeep, bundled up and made the 40 minute trek to the snow. This is a short post with pics to tell the story of our snow day in SD! 
The road as we were driving up the mountain. 

My girl at the park. It's not our usual park, but we see a park, we gotta try out the slide. 
Even if it is wet and covered with snow.
Landon Jacob 
White and Gorgeous
Here comes the sun, I mean the snow

Daddy and B

Mountain Time

The best part of living in San Diego is the beach is one way and the snow the other!!!
The Stearns Snowman

And it was a great day! 
It is going to be a crazy 2 weeks! I need to work in the office and not at home for 2 weeks. So let's see how smooth this transition is. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Top of the mornin' (or should I say night) to you!


March 17, 2012

My little girl reading her Princess Bedtime Stories Book she got from Lucky the Leprechaun!
~You may have tangible wealth untold;Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be -I had a mother who read to me.~Strickland Gillilan

The playground Payton made for Lucky the Leprechaun! She wants to catch him and keep him as a Pet. 

Our week in rewind.....

Saturday March 11, 2012
So I seriously needed to clean my kids' bathroom...I mean SERIOUSLY!! It is amazing what a little thing like a new Scentsy Plug In for the bathroom can do for motivation. I told myself that I couldn't use it until that bathroom was by golly...I did it. And here is my reward!!!!
It's purple and it matches the kids' bathroom! 

An awesome way to start off the week......Payton got a card and some bracelets from her friend Allie. Allie and Payton have never met, but I hope one day they will and will become the best of friends like Allie's mommy and I are. One of the best things you can do for a friend is to love their kids, so I am sooo happy that Alma thought of my girl. A couple weeks ago, Payton sent Allie a necklace she made. Hopefully they will continue to pen pal together.

I got mail!!!!!! 

Girl Scouts is 100 years old today!! Payton and all the other Girl Scouts in East County gathered at the park near our house....close enough that we walked celebrate Girl Scouts.

My growing Daisy and I!! 

A little Monday Night Game and Snack Time.

This cracks me of my kids always gets dressed at night and sleeps in their school clothes! Talk about being prepared and ready for the day!!!!

Bronson's clothes are missing...

There is nothing better than Breakfast for Dinner... A little special din din for the kids before CCD.
Look at the size of those........Pancakes!!! 

A little baking today too! Okay, it's ready made stuff. But hey, we still had to break the pieces apart, and the  important thing is Payton and I had fun together.

The crucifixes my kids made at CCD. 

The kids Spring School Pics....Spent $150 on them, but sooo worth it...Just look at those smiles.
The last school pics for them at the ages of 10, 8 and 6!!!!! So I had to buy them ALL!!!

My Bron John

My baby boy Jakeees!! 

My cutie pie! 

 Ron's at the Casino, Mama had a little margarita, and I think it is time to call it a night. Good Night!!!

A little pic to put a smile on my face!!!
IT'S THE TOES!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Oh what a week!!!

Yay!! It’s Monday Afternoon. Let’s get this week started and start it off right!!! 

A little funny pic I took this Monday Morning. 

Happy Monday! Love those bangs baby girl!!!!

What am I loving right now? Blockbuster movie being delivered in my mail. Not having to cook dinner. While my kids are at CCD I can start my movie..Country Strong.

Although the Blockbuster store by my house is closing, I changed my membership to an online one...I am loving getting a movie in the mail. 
When I saw the blue envelope waiting for me, I did a little dance, made a little down!! Ha!Ha! Okay, not really....but I did have a big ol kool aid smile on my face! 

My girl working hard at homework. 

Wednesday March 7,2012

Gurlled (according to Landon) Cheese Sandwiches for Dinner!

Friday March 9, 2012
My Cousin Ryan’s wife Lindsay has started selling Scentsy! This stuff rocks! It’s sweeeet smelling stuff that works like this. You put a brick, something like candle wax into a warmer and wait for the smell. I am obsessed with it and my new warmer! 

Currently brewing around my house is Sharp Dressed Man. It smells hella good and who doesn't like one??? Speaking of a sharp dressed man..getting ready for my date with Donnie D!! Blue Bloods tonight yo! Blue Bloods, good smells, good wine..that's how we get down at the Stearns house!! :-)

I also got Payton a stuffed animal. You put a sweet smelling pack into the bear and it just smells…breathtaking!! Payton has not put it down since she got it!!
The muthaload…Payton’s Scentsy Pooki Bear

My Entepenuers….their store..don’t mind the messy bookshelf! 

Landon’s sign on his door “Get bookmarks in here 25c”  I love it! 

My beautiful little girl

Saturday March 10, 2012

The weekend was filled with lots of activities....

Bronson had a baseball game and then we all went to the movies to see The Lorax. 
Treats for my B for winning his game! Skittles, Cookies...but leave the Cannoli, that is for me! 

On Sunday, Ron took Payton and Landon to our rock hunting spot.

Look at those smiles...this pic was taken at the Dunes near our rock hunting spot.

To make my day a little easier in the morning before school…

Yup, clothes are ready, backpacks are ready and coffee maker is programmable! So I can have fresh coffee when I wake up! Just a little something I use to make my mornings a breeze! OHHHH…it’s the simple things that make life easy and more ready to be enjoyed! 
Now off to get ready for Payton's softball and then a Girl Scout thang!!

Looking forward to what this week brings!