Saturday, March 17, 2012

Top of the mornin' (or should I say night) to you!


March 17, 2012

My little girl reading her Princess Bedtime Stories Book she got from Lucky the Leprechaun!
~You may have tangible wealth untold;Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be -I had a mother who read to me.~Strickland Gillilan

The playground Payton made for Lucky the Leprechaun! She wants to catch him and keep him as a Pet. 

Our week in rewind.....

Saturday March 11, 2012
So I seriously needed to clean my kids' bathroom...I mean SERIOUSLY!! It is amazing what a little thing like a new Scentsy Plug In for the bathroom can do for motivation. I told myself that I couldn't use it until that bathroom was by golly...I did it. And here is my reward!!!!
It's purple and it matches the kids' bathroom! 

An awesome way to start off the week......Payton got a card and some bracelets from her friend Allie. Allie and Payton have never met, but I hope one day they will and will become the best of friends like Allie's mommy and I are. One of the best things you can do for a friend is to love their kids, so I am sooo happy that Alma thought of my girl. A couple weeks ago, Payton sent Allie a necklace she made. Hopefully they will continue to pen pal together.

I got mail!!!!!! 

Girl Scouts is 100 years old today!! Payton and all the other Girl Scouts in East County gathered at the park near our house....close enough that we walked celebrate Girl Scouts.

My growing Daisy and I!! 

A little Monday Night Game and Snack Time.

This cracks me of my kids always gets dressed at night and sleeps in their school clothes! Talk about being prepared and ready for the day!!!!

Bronson's clothes are missing...

There is nothing better than Breakfast for Dinner... A little special din din for the kids before CCD.
Look at the size of those........Pancakes!!! 

A little baking today too! Okay, it's ready made stuff. But hey, we still had to break the pieces apart, and the  important thing is Payton and I had fun together.

The crucifixes my kids made at CCD. 

The kids Spring School Pics....Spent $150 on them, but sooo worth it...Just look at those smiles.
The last school pics for them at the ages of 10, 8 and 6!!!!! So I had to buy them ALL!!!

My Bron John

My baby boy Jakeees!! 

My cutie pie! 

 Ron's at the Casino, Mama had a little margarita, and I think it is time to call it a night. Good Night!!!

A little pic to put a smile on my face!!!
IT'S THE TOES!!!!!!!!!

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