Monday, October 22, 2012

QT with my Baby Boy

Landon and I had a Movie Date Night tonight.
We are going to have a Do-over tomorrow night though. A little drama happened when Ron and the other kiddos came home from practice early.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Payton and I were counting down the days until the boys went on their camping trip! It would be a girls only weekend. Just me and the Princess!!
So, we had the first lesson at The Stearns Cullinary Academy :-)
We made mini strawberry cheesecakes...they were da bomb!! I have to say my little girl did a fantastic job!!

The Boardwalk

 And we built train tracks

“There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one” - Jill Churchill

What am I loving right now??? Spending time with my only little girl!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Family Day at the fields!

Every weekend is busy with sports. But today, Bronson's Baseball, The Pirates, went up against his Cousin Cameron's Team.
I took this pic to get a shot of B and the Pink on his face and I got a great pic of  all my 3 angels and a little bit of Ron. Yes, my whole life is in this picture. 

Bronson-11, Cameron-11, Landon-9, Aubrey-8 and Payton-7!! COUSIN LOVE! 
Bronson and his team went PINK for October. Breast Cancer Awareness!


Saturday October 6, 2012

Took the kiddos + 1 to the San Diego Zoo.

My kids and my best friend's daughter, Allie. Her Mom, Alma and I have been BFFs since were in Jr. High. I read somewhere that the best gift you can give your friends are to love their kids.